Compensation Table for LuftHansa AG



Appr. Price



Train ticket Stuttgart-Frankfurt-Stuttgart;

Airticket (Frankfurt-Almaty-Frankfurt)

1950 $

(Almaty price of Lufthansa AG)

Refusal from the flight Frankfurt-Almaty-Frankfurt (LH 648 from 14.10.2003) of Lufthansa German (?) AG because of the wrong train time-schedule, insult behavior of the Lufthansa AG officers and bad service and low safe of the Lufthansa AG flights (see below).

The train time schedule was received in the Kraft Travel Co. and confirmed in Lufthansa AG, Central RW Office, Stuttgart (it is available).


Unchecked handy luggage in Frankfurt (2 pieces)

2 pieces x 400 $ = 800 $

Tags are available.


Unchecked luggage (1 piece)

400 $

Baggage identification tag is available.


Checked luggage

40 kg x 20 $ = 800 $

Luggage was not delivered (I did not sign any Custom Declaration or Invoice accompanied documents at the Custom Office or in the Lufthansa AG Office).

Confirmation-letter of Mr. D. Grossmann.


Moral damage for luggage and equipment since 17.10.2003


Work of officers of the Follow-Up Sponsorship Abroad Department of the AvH (Note 1, Letters of Dr.G.Limberg and Mrs.Hien) provoked changes in my business time-schedule and healthy problems.


Digital Camera Olympus

 1.500 $

 It was damaged by the Lufthansa officer (policeman) in the Office of the Main Flight Manager (Frankfurt Office) Mrs. Müller da Silva (Note 2). The model of digital Camera is available in the Follow-up Sponsorship Abroad Department of the A. v. Humboldt Foundation.


Professional Scanner

200 $


It was damaged during the Lufthansa flight (time departure at 11.30 a.m. of 15.10.2003). The Main Flight Manager (Stuttgart Office) was informed about scanner in brown bag on 15.10.2003 at about 7.30-7.35 a.m. of the Stuttgart time and at 5.47-5.48 a.m. GMT (application, file reference STRLH76391).


Changes in business time-schedule

More than 500.000 $ (business time schedule is available)

Changes in editorial activity, cancellation of participation in some joint meetings and congresses (confirmed documents, calculation of scientific damage, etc. are available).


Healthy damage

 More than 600.000 $

Strong stress after the insult, assault and battery behavior of the Lufthansa AG officers (Mrs. Müller da Silva, Ms. (Mrs.) Muller and the policeman; Note 2) has provoked healthy problems and probable disability in the nearest future. All documents are available.


Absence of service in ICE train, in the Lufthansa compartment

? 50 $

ICE train N670 from 14.10.2003. Distance: Stuttgart-Frankfurt (M) Flughafen.


Moral damage

New name for the Company

(it can be “Polar Stern”, “Kleiner Bär”,

“Kleine Gretta” or “Venus”, etc.)

Bad service and the insult, assault and battery behavior of the Lufthansa AG officers: Mrs. Müller da Silva, Ms. (Mrs.) Muller (Note 2) and policeman (his identification number is available).


Interruption of scientific business program

A lot of money

Because of damage of equipment of the Lufthansa AG officers (see also Note 1).


Bills for faxes, Internet, medicaments, special diet, etc.


Application to Lufthansa Ag Foundation. The insult, assault and battery behavior of the Lufthansa AG officers: Mrs. Müller da Silva, Ms. (Mrs.) Muller (Note 2) and policeman (his identification number is available).


Total sum

More 1111.111 $ (one one one one one one one dollars) plus Sum for … (see Comments to Items 11)

Professional, healthy and moral damage of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Follow-up Sponsorship Abroad Department).


Note: 1. Delay of application took place because of absence of money to finish preparation of all documents. The sum has to be paid by officers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Follow-up Sponsorship Abroad) for my business trip to Germany in September-October on time (V-8100 from 13.November, 2003). It can be paid via Goethe-Institut in Almaty (Fax: 007-3272-472972; Phone of the Library: 007-3272-472704).


2. Precise spelling of first and last names as well as age and nationality of accused Lufthansa AG officers (it especially concerns of Ms or Mrs. Muller) are given according to Multilex Computer German-Russian-German, Russian-English-Russian Dictionary (version 3.0), Oxford University Press Computer English-Russian-English Dictionary, Cambridge University Press English-English Dictionary (Book version 4.0), Spanish-Russian Dictionary, Kazakh-Russian Dictionary.


Elena G. Kordikova, Ph.D.

Old valid Kazakstan (!) Passport will be sent additionally if somebody asks me. 


To: Mr.D.Grossmann,

General Manager,

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan


Dear Mr.D.Grossmann,

I would like to know your personal relation to air catastrophes, innovations in aerodynamics, air turbulent phenomena, change of polarities, geomagnetic anomalies, GMT and GSP, computer time synchronization, creation of Unified Global Time Scale Synchronized system, evolution of Earth Crust, geomorphologic changes of the Earth Planet since Magellan time, to drift of continents and changes of outlines of climatic belts (i.e. remember "cold" summer of 2003). I have to know your personal opinion to these and many other questions concerning of your professional carrier…


I hope you will be reasonable enough to start the process of Reconstruction and Development of Your Company (at least)!


I sent many scientific materials to the Alexander von (not van!) Humboldt Foundation. You could ask for details there.

All the best,


Elena G. Kordikova, Ph.D.

December, 1, 2003, Almaty

Compensation Table

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