Kordikova, E.G. (2001): Remarks on the Oligocene-Miocene mammal paleontology and sequence stratigraphy of South-Western Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan. - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 221, 1: 35-79; Stuttgart.



Oligocene-Miocene sequence stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of Western and Southern Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan

  Elena G. Kordikova, Almaty

Abstract. The study of Tertiary vertebrates collected in 1995 in the Askazansor Fm. (South-Western Betpakdala, Southern Kazakhstan) provides new data for systematics and the age of the fossiliferous deposits. The lower part of the Askazansor Fm. contains a Late Oligocene mammalian fauna with remnants of rodents, chalicotheriids, indricotheriids, rhinocerotoids and tragulids found on the left bank of Baktykaryn River, while the upper one produces a rich bone concentration with amphicyonids, chalicotheriids, rhinocerotids, anthracotheriids, cervoids, etc. found to the south of the Askazansor Salt Lake. The age of the upper part of the formation appears to be Early Miocene and corresponds to MN2-MN3 of the European Zonation.


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Area  of  investigations  

Sketch  map of Kazakhstan with the main Oligocene-Miocene localities of fossil vertebrates located in: A - Western Betpakdala Steppe, Baktykaryn sites (Ba1-7), B - South Betpakdala Steppe, Askazansor sites, (Ask1-4), South Kazakhstan.





Geological situation


Geological map of the Western Betpakdala Steppe, showing some fossil  localities of the Baktykaryn River region.  Abbreviations: ask - Askazansor Fm., bp - Betpakdala Fm., ch - Chegan Fm..


Fossil  Gallery


Schizotherium cf. turgaicum Borissiak 1918: a,a' - astragalus (KE-Ba95-50/1), , b,b' - phalanx (KE-Ba95-51/1), a, b - plantar, and a', b' - volar views; lower member of Askazansor Formation, Baktykaryn site (Ba1), Baktykaryn River, South Betpakdala, South Kazakhstan.



Indricotherium cf. transouralicum Pavlova 1922: Triquetrum (KE-Ba95-52/4); lower member of Askazansor Formation, Baktykaryn site (Ba4), Baktykaryn River, South Betpakdala, South Kazakhstan.



Askazansoria mavrini Kordikova 2001; maxillae with P4/-M2/ (KE-Ask95-1/4), a - occlusal and a' - labial views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask4, Ask), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala. 

Carnivora indet.; lower jaw (135-1315), lateral view; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask4, Ask), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.


Diaceratherium askazansorense Kordikova 2001: left branch of the lower jaw with P/2-M/1 (KE-Ask95(81)-8/1’), lateral view.


Diaceratherium askazansorense Kordikova 2001: right branch of the lower jaw with M/2-3 (KE-Ask95-7/1), lateral view.

Diaceratherium askazansorense Kordikova 2001: a - right branch of the lower jaw with M/2-3 (KE-Ask95-7/1), occlusal view; b - left branch of the lower jaw with P/2-M/1 (KE-Ask95(81)-8/1’), occlusal view; c - left M/3 (Ask95(59)-42/362(6)), occlusal view; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Diaceratherium askazansorense n.sp.: right branch of the lower jaw with P/2-M/1 (KE-Ask95(81)-38/1’), old specimen, a – lateral, and a’ - occlusal views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.


Protaceratherium betpakdalense (Borissiak 1938): a, a’ - left branch of the lower jaw with dP/4-M/2 (KE-Ask95-9/1), a – lateral, and a’ - occlusal views; b - left M3/ (Ac58-103); upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Plesiaceratherium commune Kordikova 2001: a,a’ - left branch of the lower jaw with dP/4-M/2 (KE-Ask95-13/1), a – lateral, and a’ - occlusal views; b,b’ - right branch of the lower jaw with dP/4-M/2 (Ask95(59)/449), b – lateral, and b’ - occlusal views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1,1’), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Ossa calcanea: 1 - Diaceratherium askazansorense Kordikova 2001 (Ask95(59)-50/570a), left; 2 - Plesiaceratherium commune Kordikova 2001 (Ac59-50/367), right; a - anterior, and b -  medial views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1’), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Ossa astragali: 1 - Diaceratherium askazansorense Kordikova 2001 (KE-Ask95-22/1), right; 2 - Plesiaceratherium commune Kordikova 2001 (KE-Ask95-21/1), right, a - anterior, and b - posterior views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Ossa tibiae: 1 - Cervoidea indet.1 (KE-Ask95(81)-34/1’); 2 - Amphitragulus sp.1 (KE-Ask95-35/1); a - anterior, and b - distal view; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.


Ossa metatarsalia: 1 - Amphitragulus sp.2 (KE-Ask95-32/1); 2 - Cervoidea indet.2 (KE-Ask95-33/1); a - anterior, and b - proximal views; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.



Brachyodus trofimovi Bonis et al. 1998: a,a' -  right M/3 (KE-Ask95-37/1), a - lateral, and a' - occlusal views; b,b' - right M/3 (Ac59-36/203), c,c' - left branch of the lower jaw with M/1-3 (KE-Ask95-36/1), a,b,c - lateral, and a',b',c' - occlusal views.


Brachyodus trofimovi Bonis et al. 1998: left branch of the lower jaw with P/2-M/2 (Ac58-35/194), occlusal view; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1’), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.


Brachyodus trofimovi Bonis, Brunet, Kordikova & Mavrin 1998: Upper molars, occlusal view; upper member of Askazansor Formation, Askazansor site (Ask1), Askazansor Salt Lake, South Betpakdala.


 Main Publications

Kordikova, E.G. (2001): Remarks on the Oligocene-Miocene mammal paleontology and sequence stratigraphy of South-Western Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan. - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 221, 1: 35-79.


Kordikova E.G., Bonis, de, L., Brunet, M. & Mavrin, A.V. (1998): New data on turtles of South-Western Betpakdala. - Abstracts of the Third Asian Herpetolog. Meeting, Almaty, 1-5 September, 1998, pp.22-23.


Kordikova E.G., Bonis, de, L., Brunet, M. & Mavrin, A.V. New data on rhinoceroses of South-Western Betpakdala. - J. of Vertebrate Paleontology, 18, 3: 56A.


Bonis, de, L., Brunet M., Kordikova E.G. & Mavrin, A,V. (1998): Oligocene-Miocene sequence stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of western and southern Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan. – In: J.-P.Aguilar, S.Legendre & J.Michaux (Eds.): Actes du Congrès Biochrom'97, 14-17 April, 1997, pp. 225-240; Montpellier.


Bonis, de, L., Brunet, M. Kordikova, E.G. & Mavrin, A.V. (1997): Oligocene-Miocene sequence stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan. - Biochrom, 14-17 April, 1997, p. 34.


Kordikova E.G., Bonis, de, L., Brunet, M. & Mavrin, A.V. (1997): New data on rhinoceroses of South-Western Betpakdala. - J. of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17, 3.


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